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Flato's plans for the Long Beach Community
come before the Planning Advisory Committee on September 13, 2023
in the City Hall Council Chambers at 1pm.


Flato in the Greenbelt Land Swap Scandal


Flato has been prominently implicated in the Greenbelt Land Swap Scandal in both the Auditor General's Report and the Integrity Commissioner's report.


  • According to the Integrity Commisioner's Report, Mr. Rehmatullah was involved in the removal requests for three developers: Flato, Orca, and Wyview, for a total of 112 acres (page 105).

  • It is also clear that he only admitted his involvement when confronted with evidence of such involvement, but insisted that the requests for rezoning were nothing unusual (page105).

  • The report concudes "I find that Mr. Rehmatullah's position strains credulity" (page 106).

Read the Ontario Auditor General's Report here

Read the Ontario Integrity Commissioner's Report here
(The involvement of Mr Rehmatullah,

owner of Flato,

appears on pages 94-106)


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